Saturday, March 29, 2014

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: National/Federal Level

I have looked into many different organizations when researching for my Inclusion capstone project. I wanted to focus on special education students fitting in and being just as accepted as their typical peers.

One of the national organizations that I thought would be a huge help for the students that I want to work with is the National Inclusion Project. ( This organization did not have any specific job opportunities listed but I found many different ways to donate and support their program. You can help a child go to an inclusion camp called Let's all Play. During the holiday seasons you can wrap presents to help raise inclusion awareness. To be able to help and donate your time you just need to be aware of the local activities that you can help volunteer.  You can donate in different amount increments and make a one time payment or a recurring donation to help the project. This is a organization that I want to find ways to held and donate my time.

Another organization that I found to help me in my journey is the Kind Foundation. ( This is an organization that helps aid teachers and parents when working with developmentally delayed and learning disabled students. This was another organization that is not hiring at this time or is not advertising an open position. I did however find a place to donate in any amount. You can sign up to volunteer at an of their events as well. In order to be apart of this organization you would have to have an awareness for students with these types of disabilities. You would also have to be willing to collaborate with other teachers and parents about meeting the needs of these young children. I would love to find a local meeting where I can collaborate with teachers and parents in my area and help the young children.

With regards to the education of young children, The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) is always at the top of my list. ( They work for the young children to make sure that their voice is heard and we are working for the child. All of the jobs that are available though NAEYC are located in Washington DC. In the Executive office the have a position for a Quality Enhancement Coordinator. This person would support all new and ongoing projects. They would have to be an administrator and assist the director for these projects. To be qualified for this job you have to have a B.A. Degree in International Development or something related. It is highly recommended that you have knowledge of Middle East/North Africa.  I think that working this job with the NAEYC would be a once in a lifetime, being able to travel and work with different people on many different projects that support children. What an amazing opportunity! 


Kind Foundation. Retrieved from

National Association for the Education of Young Children, (NAEYC). Retrieved from

National Inclusion Project. Retrieved from

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